Swiftiply support for Thinwas updated by JohnSaturday Mar 16
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Swiftiply support for Thinwas updated by John 09:30 AM ticket -
Swiftiply support for Thinwas updated by John 09:30 AM ticket -
get working on JRuby was updated by John
Wednesday Feb 28
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get working on JRuby was updated by John 01:30 PM ticket
get working on JRuby was updated by John 01:30 PM ticket
0.7.0 (and master) spec failures was updated by John 01:30 PM ticket
thin crashes (hpricot fault?)was updated by JohnThursday Feb 08
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prefork serverswas updated by John 07:46 AM ticket -
Thin seems to be restarting requests instead of cancelling them on a timeout was updated by John
Tuesday Jan 16