#135 new
Andre Ben Hamou

Implicit String Conversion Of Headers

Reported by Andre Ben Hamou | July 5th, 2010 @ 02:20 PM

In a Merb app, we are doing this...

redirect(some_dm_object.url) # a URI object

Merb, in turn, does this...

headers['Location'] = url # the same URI object

And so ends up passing a headers hash up the rack chain like this...

{"Location"=>#<Addressable::URI:0x85b4eb98 URI:http://example.org>, "Content-Type"=>"text/html; charset=utf-8"}

Whereas Mongrel eventually emits this redirect without problem, Thin halts with an empty response. I suspect Thin should be calling to_s on all header values unless there's something in the documentation that mandates all such conversion should occur before Thin sees the values.

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