#24 ✓resolved

Absolute path to log and pid files don't play nice with chdir option in cluster.

Reported by macournoyer | January 27th, 2008 @ 04:02 PM | in 0.6.2

When starting a cluster like this:

thin start -e production -s 2 -S /var/run/thin.sock --pid /var/run/thin.pid -l /var/log/thin.log -c /u/apps/blog -D 

The chdir option is concatenated w/ the pid and log file patch which are already absolute path

Starting server on /var/run/thin.0.sock ... 
thin start --environment="production" --pid="/u/apps/blog/var/run/thin. 
0.pid" --chdir="/u/slate" --daemonize --timeout=60 --socket="/var/run/ 
thin.0.sock" --log="/u/apps/blog/var/log/thin.0.log" 
Starting server on /var/run/thin.1.sock ... 
thin start --environment="production" --pid="/u/apps/blog/var/run/thin. 
1.pid" --chdir="/u/slate" --daemonize --timeout=60 --socket="/var/run/ 
thin.1.sock" --log="/u/apps/blog/var/log/thin.1.log"

It works, but notice that the pid and log files that thin actually uses are not where I specified.

Reported by Edmund: http://groups.google.com/group/t...

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